Link Samahan – Herbal Tea Ayurveda Natural Drink
Samahan is a concentrated, water soluble instant tee of selected medical herbs used over centuries in herbal health care. Link Samahan is a 100% natural, safe and effective herbal preparation for relief of cold and cold related symptoms. Sneezing, running nose, itching throat, body aches are the first sign of a cold or a cold related cough or flu.
Link Samahan – Herbal Tea Ayurveda Natural Drink Use for
Taken as one sachet daily significantly reduces average incidence, incidence over time, and severity of 15 upper respiratory symptoms in healthy adults.
- Adhatoda vasica Nees. (Acanthaceae) Adathoda Adatoda Root
- Alpinia galanga Willd. (Zingiberaceae) Java galangal Aratta Rhizome
- Carum copticum Benth & Hook
- Coriandrum sativum Linn. (Apiaceae) Coriander Kottamalli Seed
- Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr.(Menispermaceae) False calumba Weniwel Stem
- Evolvulus alsinoides Linn. (Convolvulaceae) Wishnukrantiya Whole plant
- Cuminum cyminum Linn. (Apiaceae) Cumin Sududuru Seed
- Hedyotis corymbosa Lamk. (Rubiaceae) Pathpadagam Whole plant
- Piper longum Linn. (Piperaceae) Long pepper Tippili Fruit
- Piper nigrum Linn. (Piperaceae) Black pepper Gammiris Fruit
- Premna herbacea Roxb. (Verbenaceae) Siritekku Root
- Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad. & Willd. Katuwelbatu Whole plant
- Zingiber officinale Roscoe. (Zingiberaceae)
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